How Do You Ignite Creativity?

In the last couple of years, I will admit, it has been hard for me to fire up my creative juices. Not to say it hasn’t happened, but I feel the moments of inspiration have been far and few between. And I could say it’s due to the pandemy, but a part of me knows it started before that. I am writing these thoughts today not because I have the answer, but because I am trying to learn more about my creative process.

Ideas pop into my head all the time. While I’m listening to a song, streaming a movie or a show, cooking, reading, walking around the neighborhood, going for a run, anytime. It’s almost like a small adrenaline rush when there’s an idea that I’m excited to explore. What I normally do is write it down somewhere. Then, I’ll daydream and imagine that idea coming to life, envisioning myself happy and proud when it’s been completed. In reality, and what has happened in the past is, I begin to think about the elements needed to put said idea together. It’s painful to admit this but it’s the truth. I slowly begin to see the challenges and imagine what others criticism might be, and ultimately psych myself out before I even begin. I end up having so many ideas that haven’t even seen the light of day because I’ve built a creative block. How do I breakthrough?

I’ve always envisioned my creative process to be of conception, creation, and execution. As simple as three steps. What I do know for sure is I am the only thing blocking myself from completing those steps. I guess the real question is, how do I overcome my own creative blocks?


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