A Fresh Start
I relish days like today. I woke up rested from a night of deep slumber. A headache from the previous night still lingered but I knew the remedy. I decided not to immediately plop myself in front of my computer screen and instead take a long shower and wash my hair. It’s a process to care for my hair which if you haven’t already seen, here is a video series I did over the last year that documents some solutions I figured out for myself and my fellow curlfriends. The day before, I had pre-detangled my curls to make for an easy wash day. After, I decided to wrap my hair and enjoy my morning coffee – outside. It was a beautiful morning and once again I thought drinking my morning coffee on a sunny day by the pool would continue to aide my headache. Thankfully, I was right. The headache vanished just as I took my last sip.
By then I was refreshed, light, and decided to begin plaiting my hair. I just love using the UK word for braiding. And while I was plaiting, I decided to catch up on my newest favorite TV show, Succession. I didn’t realize how quickly I went through the first season these last couple of days. Once finished my plaits, I was inspired to do a little cleaning. Vacuumed around the house, organized my clothes. I made a quick kale and arugula salad for lunch and now find myself writing about this day with a hot cup of chamomile by my side.
As I reflect on what today has meant for me, it’s that I just love a fresh start to my day. I was very aware of my screen use and while it wasn’t completely avoided, I know the value in changing my routine. How much lighter you can feel when you spend some time outside and less looking at screens.