Should Being Authentic Terrify You?
As I begin to write my thoughts today, I am instantly aware that this will be published, and others will read it. And that stifles my flow. What is it about the thought of others reading my words that paralyzes me from even starting? Am I afraid of being judged? Do I want to seem perfect and present myself as a person who has no flaws? What do I want out of this? Why am I even writing?
The questions are being projected on a loop in my head. What I am trying to understand is through my desire to share my thoughts, why do I stress about presenting myself in a certain way? All I want is to be who I am, authentically and unapologetically. As a daily practice, inspired by Seth Godin’s blog, I want to use this space to share my observations, thoughts, and questions. The beauty in releasing these thoughts, is a personal declaration to myself to live authentically. In addition, I am rewarded by the universe when I connect with other people who recognize my authentic spirit. For me, one of the greatest feelings in the world is being seen for exactly who you are.
The catch? If you never bask in your authenticity, you’ll miss out on the joy of being who you are.