Ebb And Lull
I’ve been slowly including more projects in my day-to-day, one of which is taking free courses in some subject areas that I’ve been curious about. Yesterday was the first day I became intentional about setting aside time for the courses. I’m happy and proud that I’m finally prioritizing these goals. However, I couldn’t help but feel a bit of a lull.
When you start projects or goals, at first, it’s exciting and you feel a momentum that has no intention of slowing down. But when you’re in that consistent routine, the excitement tends to ware off, at least a part of it did for me. And while I was thrilled that I was finally making time to expand my knowledge, I couldn’t help but feel unenthusiastic about starting yet another project that will take more time to complete.
I have a couple of theories as to why I may be experiencing this lack of motivation. One large factor is spending way too much time on my computer and phone in general. I think we’ve all made extensive use of our devices in the last two years. And as much as I love to create, I think I’m a bit exhausted from my excessive screen time.
Adding on to that, I want to create more social and outdoor experiences. The weather and pandemic have made it difficult to do so, but not impossible.
What I’ve learned from these past two years is how important it is to be honest with yourself. Feeling exhausted, unmotivated, and unenthusiastic, is completely normal.
It’s part of the ebb and flow of life. And while right now I may feel this plateau, I’m comforted in knowing that this will pass.