Home is Home

There are a couple of things on my mind that I want to jot down:

  • You never know how a day will end and that is a beautiful mystery.

  • I am eternally grateful for my family.

  • Giving away stuff you’ve accumulated can feel exhilarating.  

  • A clean and organized space has the power to unleash your mind.

Some of what I mentioned are insights, but if you’re sensing I just completed a big move then you are correct. Moving can be an overwhelming task, especially if you wait until the last minute. But once you’re in that rhythm, you feel unstoppable. I have a high from cleaning out my closet and donating the clothes and belongings that I’ve outgrown.

Over the last few years, I’ve been living somewhat of a nomadic life. Moving and living light has become a staple in my day-to-day. I absolutely love it because it’s allowed me to live in incredible places, but it also challenges me when I think of where “home” is. These past few years have taught how “home” is much more of a feeling than a physical location. I guess I could say home is where home is. I do get moments where I want to simply belong to one city. However, I feel extremely grateful to be attached to physical places, but rather to the people in my life that make me feel at home wherever I am.


Still We Rise


A Terse Entry