A Terse Entry

Yesterday I didn’t write my daily thoughts. To make up for it, I’m writing twice today. It was one of those days that just slipped away. I told myself I would sit down with a cup of tea and pour out whatever I was feeling but one task led to another, then another, then the day was over. I’m trying to stay committed to my practice of writing every day but the reality is, you get caught up sometimes. And when I miss a day of writing, a small neon sign in my head lights up that says, “You failed!” I know you may be thinking I’m extremely hard on myself. I am, but I use humor to get through my moments of doubt.

I also need to remember that whatever I write, comes from what I’m feeling in the moment. Some days I can write long entries and other days may be extremely terse. (I learned this word when I was studying for the GMAT). I shouldn’t compare one day of writing to another. There’s a part of me that feels I must always deliver at my greatest potential but honestly, I just want to do the best that I can at any given time. So, here’s to keeping things terse!


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