Breathe to Reset
Today was a busy day. Not so much physically but mentally. Taking on new projects means having to switch gears and create space for something new. A time to adjust. Today was that for me.
Throughout the day, I noticed how easily I could slip back into old doubtful patterns that could potentially stifle my productivity. Feeling my way through new territory brought up internal questions as to whether I took on too much too fast. If I was capable of handling something at a time of transition. However, I found that the best remedy to counteract these trains of thought was to just dive in. And I did just that.
I traded overthinking for action. I could feel myself being unsure, but making progress because I was in motion. I realized I was spending more time worrying about what I had to do, and if I was doing it right, more than actually doing it.
And right before I sat down to write these thoughts, I felt exhausted. I didn’t want to write anything and just call it an early night. I decided to lay down and felt the gratification instantly kick in. I was tired but still had thoughts racing through my mind. The only way I could truly relax was to meditate.
Headspace was the perfect solution in this time of fatigue. I worked my way up to 20-minute meditations, but often fell asleep if I was laying down. It’s not a deep sleep but rather a deliciously lucid state of mind. I began my meditation and as soon as I began to take those long deep breaths, I felt my worries melt away.
The power of a deep breath is grossly underestimated. The magic I feel when my breaths slow down my heart rate, to the point where I can feel a profound presence within myself, is indescribable.
And when I awoke, I was in a tranquil state of mind.