A Word of Gratitude

An incredibly special part of writing and posting my thoughts daily, has been receiving thoughtful feedback and comments from my virtual community. I’ll probably get around 5-10 comments per week and they’re the unexpected highlight from this journey. Reading how my words have resonated with someone else is the most rewarding and nourishing gift I could receive.  

In the era of social media, I’ve been able to show parts of me, that in real life, you may not see so quickly. I think there’s something so special about freely residing in your digital corner and sharing the moments that capture you. What I mean by that is, when you’re in-person, others can jump in and possibly interfere with whatever it is you’re trying to do. But if you’re able to be in your own space and share whatever it is that speaks to you, when you feel called upon to do so, there’s a profound sense of liberation. Where you’re the closest to your source of pure authenticity.

And in that authentic space, for someone to take a moment and recognize how you made them feel, is the best feeling in the world.

All this to say, I feel incredibly grateful whenever someone takes the time to comment or share about how my words made them feel. It’s as if someone is saying to me, “I see you for exactly who you are in this moment.”

So thank you.


I, Iterate


Choosing Joy Over Rejection