What Ingredients Are Right For My Hair?
If you’re anything like me, over the years you have found yourself trying all the trendiest products and ingredients on the natural hair scene. When everyone raved about coconut oil, I made sure to try it. When curly hair influencers talked about DIY egg protein treatments, I whipped up a batch in my kitchen. However, in both of these instances, neither one really made a difference on my hair. I realized that my method of trying new products or ingredients was seeking a testimonial from friends or influencers. I mean that’s how operate about when trying new things, right? I’d use their experiences under the assumption that if it worked for them it should work for me too. What I have quickly learned through this journey is how much we set ourselves up for failure in thinking that all curly hair is the same, when in reality we are extremely diverse. In short, what works for you does not always mean it will work for me too.
If you’ve been following this series thus far, then you know your hair’s curl pattern, porosity level, density, and width. Knowing these four components will allow us to take the next step of figuring out what ingredients are compatible with our hair type.
The objective in knowing what ingredients are compatible with your hair is yet another way to know your hair on an intimate level. We want to step away from the, “this worked for them so it will work for me too,” mentality. While sharing your experiences about products can be insightful to your community, if it’s not accompanied with the awareness of your own hair’s characteristics, you may be setting yourself up for disappointment.
My hope is that you walk away from this video having a deeper awareness of the kinds of ingredients and products that you’re already using on your hair. As you’re watching, think about the ingredients that have worked and ones that have not. If you can begin to understand which ingredients are compatible with your hair type, then you can begin a new chapter in this journey that will hopefully open up a world of options that are ideal for the nourishment of your unique strands. What could be better than that?
Find out what ingredients are compatible with your hair type below!