How to Make Friends

About a month ago, I received a DM to write about a specific topic. The request was to write about how to make friends. Initially, I was honored that someone had been reading my daily thoughts and was interested to hear more from me. I happily accepted the request. However, shortly after, I thought to myself – do I know how to make friends? 

I’ve been fortunate enough to meet some incredible souls that I am honored to call friends, but I’ve never thought about the process of actually making a friend. There have been instances where I’ve intentionally tried to be friends with someone, but it didn’t always pan out. And I think I know why. It was the simple fact that I was expectating to make friends. If you’re fixated on the goal of making friends, then you’re missing out on the joy of being surrounded by incredible people.

People come into our lives for a reason. It may be for a brief, or long, period. Either way, it’s not something you plan, it just happens. So, here’s my advice. Be present and enjoy the moment you share with them, regardless of how long it may last. More importantly, strive to enjoy your own company. Everything in our lives is a reflection of our inner landscape. Live the life that makes you happy and see who shows up – those are your friends.


Not Yet Known


Two Years