Be Water
For so long I’ve wanted to be the person that has it all together. Who’s incredible at multitasking, on top her work and creative projects, and can make time for others whenever they need her.
Some of you may be reading this and are thinking, “Aida, that’s impossible.” However, I still get in these phases where I just want to be and do everything.
Of course, reality hits me hard when it turns out not to be true. And then I’m left with asking, “what should I strive to be then?” I don’t have an answer for that.
The truth is, there are moments where I want to take on the world, and others where I want to be a complete recluse.
I tend to make absolute statements about myself. When I defiantly say I’m this or that, an expectation is created. And then, if I fall short or exceed that expectation, it affects my behavior one way or another.
No too long ago I heard someone say, strive to be like water. Move with your surroundings. Fall into the flow of the current. Don’t resist the energy around you, become a part of it. To be as free flowing as water, you must let go.
Sometimes I want to let go, but I know I’m still holding on tight.