Acknowledge Your Growth
It’s interesting to stop and notice your own growth. For me, a moment occurred yesterday when I delivered some graphics I created for a client. For the first time in forever, I had proactively worked and completed the job four days before the deadline. This was something to celebrate!
In the process, I didn’t think much of it. I had been more focused on timing myself as I worked, to get a better sense of my productivity. I began using a time tracking extension on my browser to keep myself on task. Once I clicked that toggle on, I was in the zone.
I was unaware of how much I didn’t value my time. Even with the all-nighter I pulled a few weeks back, I unnecessarily forced myself into that situation because I poorly managed my time and didn’t value it. However, I don’t regret it because it’s part of the learning curve.
As soon as I delivered this project, I decided to check in with a different client. I inquired to see if the project I submitted a week ago had been approved. In the same breath, I asked if there was a chance to work with them on future projects.
To my surprise, they expressed how delighted they were with my work and wanted to move forward with me as a regular contractor. I was incredibly shocked.
I believe that everything happens for a reason. In completing one project, I made space to express my desire to receive more work. Ask and you shall receive. I see growth within myself that needs to be acknowledged and celebrated. This is absolutely one of those moments.