A Nostalgic State of Mind

You ever become super nostalgic and crave to relive a moment from your tweens? Just me? Cool!

I absolutely love re-watching films that narrated the various stages of my adolescence. It’s so fun to relive the moments and examine why I fell in love with these gems in the first place.

On this particular Saturday, I was in the mood to re-watch High School Musical. It had been quite some time since I sat down and watched the whole movie through. Watching this nearly 20-year-old (whoa) film, was like a cringeworthy path down memory lane. I shamelessly sang to every song and still swooned watching my childhood crush, Zac Efron, Get His Head in The Game.

Nostalgia is an interesting phenomenon. You can easily access the memory of how you initially felt, but as time passes you begin to be on the outside looking in.



