A New Balance
With the weather beginning to warm up, it’s finally time for me to start running again. While the weather hasn’t necessarily been an excuse for me before, it’s definitely harder to summon the energy to go out for a run when it’s freezing. However, that wasn’t the biggest obstacle for me. It was my shoes.
According to my Nike Run Club app, my current pair of shoes has 245 miles on it. The app has a cool feature where you can add the exact model of the shoe you wear on your runs, whether they’re Nike or another brand.
While I believe I could still get more use out of them, the shoes have always been a little too tight for comfort. They got me through my first half marathon, and I’ll always cherish that memory. However, it’s time I retire them.
Finding the right running shoe has been a long and complex journey for me. Before landing the pair of shoes I have now, I bought two other pairs that just didn’t have what I was looking for.
After a solid month of trying, buying, and returning shoes, I’ve landed on a pair that finally make me happy.
They’re a pair of New Balance shoes that are comfy, light, and wide. My favorite part about them is their fiery red-orange color.
I’m truly excited to get back to running. Buying a pair of New Balance shoes seems to have a deeper meaning now. I foresee the balance that running will restore to my life.