4th Ave Market’s Hair Quiz


What a journey we’ve been on together. Creating this series has been one of the most liberating and most difficult pieces of content I’ve ever put together. Obviously, the rewards from this journey have been knowing my hair in such detailed ways. At the same time, I realized how little information exists in mainstream spaces on Black and textured hair. Thankfully, in the era of internet and information sharing, I was able to sift through a great deal of content on YouTube and blogs from Black women and men who shared their journeys extensively to make it easier on so many of us to navigate the hair world to our benefit. All of the videos that I have created would not be packed with the information it has were it not for these outstanding women and men.

With that being said, we are now at the final step of the series and this is probably the most exciting part of it all. 4th Ave Market has created their own hair quiz that will help you formulate your hair type using my hair videos and by the end, recommend products on their site that fit your hair’s needs. In as little as 5 minutes you can know your hair type and begin shopping new products. How incredible is that? 

I truly feel extremely fortunate to have created this series with the support from 4th Ave Market. The relationship that I now have with my hair has blossomed to a deeper level of respect, patience, and understanding. All I really needed to do was shift my perspective from applying a one size fits all approach, to instead focusing on the unique characteristics of my hair. I realized that the best thing that could happen to me were all the failures I encountered over the years, trying countless numbers of products and ingredients. These failures were really feedback from my hair on what wasn’t working. I know there is still so much more that I can learn about my roots but having this foundation is what every curly, coily, kinky and beautifully textured hair deserves. My only hope is that you too have renewed your relationship with your hair for the better. It’s a process so remember to be patient and always give love to your curls. Thank you for being on this journey with me and trusting me throughout this process. Once again, thank you to 4th Ave Market for allowing me to create this series from my perspective and providing all of the incredible products that I’ve used. It was an honor to work alongside you and I will forever be filled with gratitude for this opportunity.


What Are The Right Hairstyles for My Hair Type?