
Catching up. That’s all I’ve been doing these past few days. Catching up on work, home projects, daily thoughts, everything. It feels incredible to be home, but I feel like I haven’t caught my breath since I walked through the door. To my delight, I’ve been given more projects to take on, but it’s been a challenge to manage during a time of transition. It’s both rewarding and overwhelming, all at once. However, I’ve managed to keep myself steady and focused, but I see how this pace can accumulate tension if I don’t pause and decompress. Through all of this, I can’t help but notice how familiar this experience is to a seemingly unrelated part of my life.

A couple years back, when I was a gym rat, I learned what really causes muscle soreness after a workout. I may butcher this explanation, but as you work out, your muscles begin to tear because you’re exercising them. In the days after your workout, your muscles will begin to repair themselves, building your body’s strength and endurance. You’ll also feel the soreness and discomfort, especially after the first couple of times you work out. But as you become more consistent with the workouts, the pain becomes less intense, and you build up your stamina.

To circle back, I’m currently feeling the soreness from how much I’m stretching myself as I take on more responsibilities. It’s uncomfortable, overwhelming, and breaks are an absolute must, but it’s part of building strength. You can’t expect to grow without experiencing some growing pains.


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